Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturdays are soft on the spirit...

A lazy Saturday. Waking early in the morning. A morning rain already left it's footprint on the foliage. I spent a good portion of the morning creating in my little workshop with the door open to the back yard. Listening to birds chirp and the sun finally coming out to kiss the flowers still wet with dew. Two of my silks are now on their final phase of becoming art. They were gently rinsed and rinsed and many times I lost count. Then a gentle sudsing in warm water to set the natural dyes and then one finaly clear cold rinse. And, now, hanging from the clothes line flapping in the breeze for all to see - well the birds to see. And me to see. I never cease to be amazed when this step is in progress. The larger of the silks (which can be used as a belt or a shawl) has the intricate patterns showing now. Revealing what my muse did as the rust and the tannin wove the veins of art throughout the silk. Patterns. Lacing. Veining. Sometimes almost like marble. The darkness. The blueish tinge. The deep tones of rust. Every time I make a silk scarf it's hard to let it go. It's my art and I just hope that the person who becomes its new owner will see what I see in it. Beauty beyond words.

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