Monday, July 8, 2013

Mending Fences and other things...

A fence is most likely the easiest thing to mend.  A hammer, nails, wood...and not forgetting to hit the nail and not your fingers or thumb!  Smiles  Other things are harder to mend.  When one is dealing with personalities, mindsets it's much harder.  Within it all then throw in perceptions and the waters get muddied.  Muddied worse then the Mississippi River as it flows thru St Paul, Minnesota on a summer day or when it's flood season.  I do remember that.

Sometimes all one can do is state the facts - you have no control over how another one feels about those facts or what motivates them.  It is out of your hands.  All one can do is know that within their heart and mind you know you were genuine.  You were honest.  You had no motives.  No hidden agenda.  But you cannot control what is on the other end.

Much harder to mend other things.  Much rather mend fences even if I miss with the hammer and I hurt my fingers or my thumb - that heals.  Not all things heal.

Not all things heal.


  1. I agree. Not all things heal. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. you, my dear friend, are so welcome. ;)
