Sunday, April 29, 2018

Words that meaning changes when you are what the word is.....

long name for this post but it is very true.  Immigrant.  Immigration.  Ex-pat (expatriate not ex-patriot).  Words that were words of course that I was familiar with but have come to be intimately close to.  With the intimacy comes a new perspective of the words.  Now they are ever intimately connected to me.  Part of my vocabulary - rather up close and personal. 

They are not easy words.  Not at all.  Trust me.  And when they are in your life because now you are an immigrant...their meaning changes.  You begin to understand what it's like to be in a country where you were not born.  Never lived in or was a part of the community.  I blend in but I am still an immigrant.

How words change....once you are part of the words...and your life changes.  And the meaning of the words change.  The intimate connect of a word.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

You are not in "Kansas" anymore.....

In my case substitute "Iowa" for Kansas.  Yes Janis you are NOT in Iowa anymore.  Yesterday April 17th, 2018 I became a permanent resident in Canada!  And in five years will be able to apply for dual citizenship!  and yes I will - I want to be a citizen of the country of my husband. 

What a journey my life has been.  And continues to be.  I cannot begin to express the happiness, the simple relief (not so simple really) that Mr B and I feel at this moment. 

Yesterday was a day of remembering.  Remembering the road I took to get to this moment.  I am a believer that everything happens for a reason.  The road here was not without drama, disappointment, hurt...but now I do understand.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Finally...yes finally this woman who left her country almost 2 years ago to embark on this journey of love and adventure, an ex-patriate will soon have a country to call home.  Canada!!!  We got the word from our attorney that my permanent resident status is approved and will get the official seal of approval for my passport early April.

And the news came on the day we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary . . .  bravo

Sunday, March 4, 2018

So many miles....

It's been awhile.  Far too long.  Far too many miles both literally and toll on this body of mine.  Last I wrote I believe I was in North Carolina or ....well it's been awhile.  The years go issues and then changes.

I am now waiting for my permanent resident status in Albert Canada.  I married a marvelous talented French-Canadian in March of 2016 and began a new journey.  One that I welcome with open arms and a heart filled with so much love.