Thursday, November 6, 2014

Scribblings...Other Side of the Mirror

I'm doing a 50,000 word Challenge to write a novel in the month of November.  This is a tickler for you!

This is the synopsis of the book:

So it begins.  Just like always.  One word.  One thought.  One feeling.  An overwhelming craving.  A lust for life.  Yes and this is just like the first time.  No I take that back.  There is more intensity.  The thirst...the craving is for more understanding.  Where do I begin?  How do I explain?
I touch the wall.  Tenderly.  I can feel her touching the other side of the wall.  Her head resting on the mirror as my forehead now rests on this side of the mirror.  Her hand presses against the mirror and I seem to feel the warmth from it.  Impossible?  But nonetheless....I feel it.
And thus it emotion...and then the intense desire...merging with the other side of the mirror...
We are complex people with layers of who we are.  There is the side of us we present to the public and then there are other layers that only certain people get to see or know.  Sometimes we are so complex that we barely recognize our inner self.  This is about the other side of us . . . that other side that seldom do people see.
(end of synopsis)
I stand straight. Almost rigid. Sigh. Uptight? Heaven forbid...yes. I stand there looking into the mirror. Where is she? I need her. Need her right this moment. Why do I need her! Is this not MY life. She is only a reflection from the other side of the mirror. Do I care what she thinks....notices no question marks after any of those comments. Always the question marks but are they necessary when the question is truly for me? (note: question mark is used)
(prose piece is in here)
 Be damned the insipid ones who cannot not feel. Those that use or put down others to make themselves feel important.
lacking flavor.
"mugs of insipid coffee"
synonyms: tasteless, flavorless, bland, weak, wishy-washy; More
antonyms: tasty
lacking vigor or interest.
"many artists continued to churn out insipid, shallow works"
synonyms: unimaginative, uninspired, uninspiring, characterless, flat, uninteresting, lackluster, dull, drab, boring, dry, humdrum, ho-hum, monochrome, tedious, uneventful, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, pedestrian, trite, tired, hackneyed, stale, lame, wishy-washy, colorless, anemic, lifeless
"insipid pictures"
That is what I am talking about. Commit to LIFE. Commit to more then a lackluster existence. Experience ALL that life has to offer. And that is meant for me too.
I am not like an “insipid” coffee. I am like espresso or Turkish coffee with substance. Body. Mexican coffee with a sprinkling of cinnamon. Not tea unless it is authentic chai with all the marvels of India and the spices that ignite the tastebuds and put a layer of persperation on the brow! The inspiration for dreams of abandonment under the hot sun with that cup of chai to increase the feelings of desire. Yes that is what I am – all of them...
This is just an excerpt without the prose.  I have used "fiction" plus prose in this book.  Enjoy.  
Yes, Nicole, the SASS is back!  Namaste

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