Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What next for the Gypsy...

North Carolina...have never been here but then I had never been to Red Lodge, Montana either. Looking back...Red Lodge fulfilled what I needed to accomplish. Two prose books with my photos. A therapeutic experience to say the least. Now I'm ready to complete the third volume of Intimate Evolution: One Woman's Journey Vol III the Passions of Being. I landed by chance in Hendersonville, North Carolina. A quaint town of 12,000 maybe a bit more. Definitely a lot larger then Red Lodge Montana and even has public transportation Mondays thru Fridays. A bargain at 35 cents for a senior - service every hour up until 6 perhaps and doesn't run on weekends but none the less better then Red Lodge. IF I had not had to "root" my gypsy feet until my children were raised, this is how my life would have been BUT everything happens for a reason and perhaps I wasn't ready for this life at that time. Now I am and I embrace it whole heartedly. Everyone should be able to experience what I am. I now can say I have lived in every time zone of the USA - well ok - not Hawaii. West Coast, Mountain, Midwest and now Eastern. I was born and raised in Iowa and then left there at 18 years old. Sigh...smiles I thought I was ready for the world...but was the world ready for me. Not quite. It did throw me back to Iowa for a few years but that gypsy part of me needed to stretch...and stretch I did. Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Los Angeles, California: Orange County, California; Minneapolis & St Paul, Minnesota; Red Lodge, Montana; Hendersonville, North Carolina. And, still my gypsy spirit wants to expand and stretch even more. Where have I visited? St Thomas, Virgin Islands (oh to go back to that paradise); Montreal, Quebec Canada; Washington, DC; Espanola, New Mexico; Bradenton, Florida; and so many places...I have that wanderlust...therefore I am a gypsy....exploring, expanding and creating wherever my spirit takes me... Let YOUR spirit soar...

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