Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Roller Coaster...

up and down, over and over, spinning out of control and doing it all again.  What will stop this never ending ride on this roller coaster of life.  Just when I think I have it sorted out...then up and down, over and over, spinning out of control and doing it all again.  How many times?  How many ways?  Stop this roller coaster.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Monday Pondering...

There are times when life is simply "crap".  No kind or easy way to describe it...it's sucks, it's revolting, it's horrid....but thru it sometimes there is a glimmer...just a little spark.  Someone appreciates the work you put into something that affects them.  Then I realize that in a small way I have affected their lives in a positive way.

And...then it affects me in a bigger positive way.